You don't need anyone's permission!
Explore and strengthen your craft in 2024! Customized SMALL-GROUP WORKSHOPS on these and other topics are available. Just ask!
Virginia Romance Writers
In this interactive workshop, we’ll define and explore the hallmarks of deep POV, drawing upon numerous examples showing how this works on ...
Virginia Romance Writers
Pratt Library, Baltimore MD 2:00-5:00 PM
An interactive workshop with a practical side, designed to help aspiring and established writers (and other creative people) who long to cl...
Pratt Library, Baltimore MD 2:00-5:00 PM
San Francisco Writers Conference
I'm presenting a Master Class on writing a nonfiction proposal and will serve on other panels for writers. Feb. 7-9. Learn More.
San Francisco Writers Conference
Eastern Shore Writers Assn.
I'm presenting a workshop on nonfiction research for nonfiction authors and memoir writers. Learn more.
Eastern Shore Writers Assn.
AWP25 - Los Angeles, CA
I'm reading from my new book, Wrangling the Doubt Monster, and hosting a Q&A on creativity. Learn more.
AWP25 - Los Angeles, CA
Manifest Your Creative Life. Our work(play)shop was fantastic!
How much doubt is in your life? Take this revealing quiz and find out!